The First No-Code Red Team Platform

Unify every aspect of attack planning—from scenario development through execution—in a single, no-code environment.

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What’s Holding Your Red Team Back?

You need the ability to run real-world attack scenarios that matter to your organization, but red-team exercises can be resource-intensive, expensive, and difficult to operationalize. See how SafeBreach Studio enables red teamers of all skill levels to customize and run sophisticated attacks using a simple drag-and-drop interface that enhances efficiency and drives results.

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Augment Your Red Team

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Learn About the Benefits of SafeBreach Studio

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Learn About the Benefits of SafeBreach Studio

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Learn About the Benefits of SafeBreach Studio
Run Attacks How You Want

Easily generate custom attack plans and control every aspect of an attack, including when and how it runs, associated parameters, sequencing steps, and desired simulators.

Analyze attack test results to understand simulation details, parameters, and goals—all mapped to MITRE ATT&CK, individual threat groups, specific industries, or NIST control mapping.

Customize visualizations to make the results of red-team exercises actionable, enable consistent communication with stakeholders, and track security posture improvement over time.